Willkommen - Bienvenue - Welcome

Seyd gegrüßt, Fremde und Freunde.
Hier wird gebastelbloggt. Ich fröhne meinem neuesten Hobby, dem Cardmaking - und vielleicht auch bald dem Scrapbooking - und das wird hier zur Schau gestellt.
Hoffe, die Sachen finden allgemeines Interesse und Wohlwollen. Ich bitte um reges Kommentieren - selbstredend mit Lob aber auch Kritik und Verbesserungsvorschlägen. Frau lernt ja schließlich nie aus! :)
In jedem Falle: Viel Vergnügen hier!
Eure Ramirez

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

Yummy card

Yesterday I spent my eve working on my first packaging-card-combination.

It does not look quite as yummy as it was supposed to and by now I have a completely different idea - I just do not have the time to put it into the challenges. But hey, might make it anyway and post it then. Does not always have to be a challenge involved, does it?

Initially inspired by the challenge of Everybody Art which wanted to see some "Gingerbread" I made the traditional Gingerbread house - just without Hänsel and Gretel... Watch out, witch behind the door... ;)
It would also match the theme of Creative Friday coz they asked for an "unusual card form" but - as we all know - I have to miss one and this is it.
But the challenge of Kreative Stempelfreunde is about general "packing" and that makes up for the missed one.
The colours are from Paperminutes: mint, turquoise and brown (I had to add some white of course)

Ooops, does not look like a witch - but like the second reason to choose this form: It allows me to put 4 tealights in and a "tealight packing" is what Cards & More wants for their challenge.
The amount of 4 candles makes them "advent" candles which provided the theme - and the reason to also join the challenge of Irish Teddys.

Now I guess those are enough challenges for now. But it was fun to join so many of them in one card...

So with this I wish everyone a very happy advent time. Don't forget to light the candles!

13 Kommentare:

Heike hat gesagt…

eine sehr interessante und witzige Verpackung!

LG, Heike

debby4000 hat gesagt…

Wonderful gift card.

♥ Doreen ♥ hat gesagt…

Witzige Verpackung.
Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei EAC.
Liebe Grüße Doreen

Clarissa Schupp hat gesagt…

Really special idea. Thanks for joining us at Cards und More.

hugs Clarissa

Tan_Te hat gesagt…

Thank you all for your sweet comments - and for stopping by!

jopa hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Unknown hat gesagt…

Wau sehr schön deine Verpackung einfach genial.

Danke für deine Teilnahme bei Kreative Stempelfreunde-Creative stamps Friends.
LG Nicole

Kreatives von Andrea hat gesagt…

wow, what a fantastic creation!
Thank you for your participation at Creative stamp Friends.
A nice greeting Andrea from germany

Bianca hat gesagt…

This is very lovely and such a good idea! Thank you for joining us at Cards und More! xx Bianca

Sandra (soleil) hat gesagt…

Das ist ja eine orignielle Idee, Wahnsinn. Gefällt mir wirklich sehr!

Viele liebe Grüße

patty hat gesagt…

please look at our conditions, you must have a stamp image or text on it, sorry
best wishes to you, patty from Cards und More

Anonym hat gesagt…

Eine klasse Idee ;)


Tan_Te hat gesagt…

Hi Patty,
sorry, did not realize that.
Thanx & greetings