Willkommen - Bienvenue - Welcome

Seyd gegrüßt, Fremde und Freunde.
Hier wird gebastelbloggt. Ich fröhne meinem neuesten Hobby, dem Cardmaking - und vielleicht auch bald dem Scrapbooking - und das wird hier zur Schau gestellt.
Hoffe, die Sachen finden allgemeines Interesse und Wohlwollen. Ich bitte um reges Kommentieren - selbstredend mit Lob aber auch Kritik und Verbesserungsvorschlägen. Frau lernt ja schließlich nie aus! :)
In jedem Falle: Viel Vergnügen hier!
Eure Ramirez

Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013


Another birthday, another crafty challenge. In my cupboard was only kiddy and Christmas wrapping-paper left so I had to think of a different way to wrap this box with lots of books in it:

Resolution: Take some thick white A3 paper (three in my case) and start stamping. One stamp up to 4 times on each paper - disarranged and criss-cross - cover those prints with paper or post-its, take another stamp and do the same thing... keep doing this until the pages look like this:

The rest is just boring business of covering the box with these papers and the edges with plain black cardbord stripes. I then made a simple closure out of black and white card stock which I attached with a sticky hook-and-loop fastener (Klettverschluss for the Germans ;)).

This is the outcome:

I think it was worth the effort - and looks like the b-day girl thinks so too! :)

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