Willkommen - Bienvenue - Welcome

Seyd gegrüßt, Fremde und Freunde.
Hier wird gebastelbloggt. Ich fröhne meinem neuesten Hobby, dem Cardmaking - und vielleicht auch bald dem Scrapbooking - und das wird hier zur Schau gestellt.
Hoffe, die Sachen finden allgemeines Interesse und Wohlwollen. Ich bitte um reges Kommentieren - selbstredend mit Lob aber auch Kritik und Verbesserungsvorschlägen. Frau lernt ja schließlich nie aus! :)
In jedem Falle: Viel Vergnügen hier!
Eure Ramirez

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012


Had to make some things since right before Christmas that was just for fun (no challenges involved) - like these:

For the kids of a friend - nice bookmarks too

 or I took the sketch, made a card - and did not get around to post and participate - like these:

For my Godchild (she's 15)

For a friend - certain size for holding a voucher

But even though, they do belong to my little collection here...

But as I write that, the last one is just over a week old and it's got the Carisma Cardz Challenge theme (without the 3 as a number though) and so I might just as well jump in there with it.

3 Kommentare:

Cat's sCrap hat gesagt…

What a creativity ! Magnificent projects ! Bravo !

Thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz on our 3rd birthday this week.

Hugs from France.

Vee hat gesagt…

A fabulous card I love colours. Thanks for joining our Birthday challenge at Charisma.
xx Vee

Tan_Te hat gesagt…

Thanx a mil for the lovely comments! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Charisma...