Willkommen - Bienvenue - Welcome

Seyd gegrüßt, Fremde und Freunde.
Hier wird gebastelbloggt. Ich fröhne meinem neuesten Hobby, dem Cardmaking - und vielleicht auch bald dem Scrapbooking - und das wird hier zur Schau gestellt.
Hoffe, die Sachen finden allgemeines Interesse und Wohlwollen. Ich bitte um reges Kommentieren - selbstredend mit Lob aber auch Kritik und Verbesserungsvorschlägen. Frau lernt ja schließlich nie aus! :)
In jedem Falle: Viel Vergnügen hier!
Eure Ramirez

Freitag, 13. April 2012

Girly B-Day

Another little girls birthday is coming up so I spent an afternoon with some more pink... It actually came out quite nice (my godchild - age 15 - loves it) although I did the "quicky" one and just cut out some bunny print on an old and neglected design paper I bought ages ago in Dublin.

Here it is:

The sketch I used is from Sketch N Stash (my stash is the design paper mentioned above that also provided the ribbon style horizontal line and the tag).
Stempelsonne does the "Birthday" theme with #60 (suits me) - and also wants some die cuts (which I used with the circle).
Also in there is Kartenallerlei with challenge #51 and that's "Animals".
And Stempelträume #128 does the same, just they call it "Pets". Guess my littly bunny counts for both.

Dienstag, 3. April 2012


Still some cards to be done and Easter comes closer and closer! So I sat at my crafting table tonight and here is what happened:

I want to combine quite a few challenges with it:
The great sketch (always the first thing to choose) is by Stempeleinmaleins- it's on for the whole month, might even use it again...
Then I tried the Bingo by Stamps & Fun = Creativity - this is supposed to be the monochrome / lace / bow diagonal one. Hope that the thing on the left counts as a bow since the string wasn't long enough anymore to really make one (need new supplies... still...).
Then there are a few Easter themes around so this goes into the pot of Take time for you, Everybody Art and Totally Papercrafts.
Another common theme is "Anything goes" and here we jump into Papertake weekly (with - how convenient - option of "monochrome") and Simon Says Stamp (hope it's not too late for that one).

And now let's see if I get another one done before the holiday knocks at the door...

Donnerstag, 29. März 2012


Birthday invitation on short notice - had to quickly make a card. Did not come out as colourful as a two year old would like most but had to combine my papers with my ideas ... and my challenges. With more time I would probably make another one and keep this for an older birthday girl, but the big day is tomorrow...

So here is the card:

And the involved challenges are first of all the lovely sketch of Mojo Monday plus the recipe of Paperminutes (2 design papers, 2 colours, 2 flowers - hope it's allright that I have one more design paper than requested - the girl is stamped in brown!) and I would also like to join the challenge of Simon says Stamp with "Anything goes".

Mittwoch, 28. März 2012

Experimental Card

I am not that much of a colour-mix person, more the monochorme type really. So choosing a challenge that mixes 4 colours is some sort of experiment for me.

Soooo, I found that challenge of Colour Create with the (for me) strange colour combination of pink (so not me), blue, sage (which aparently is some sort of green) and white/cream. I did some distressing, not sure if that counts for ripped/torn, but that's optional anyway.

I chose the sketch of Sunday Sketch & Stamp for it, although I wanted it in egg-form so hope the changes I made still make it count for the challenge. Putting some more dots/perls/flowers in it would have been just too much for me... ;)

Since the big egg is stripey and the dominant one, I also want to join the challenge of Fun with Shapes & more with this card.

And now - here it is, the card with the colours that are so not me:

Sonntag, 25. März 2012

Green spring - the final one

Okay, with this one I am done with the over-green I guess. Just found a colour challenge with blue and - hold on - PINK! - and decided to try it. Maybe I'll manage today.

But first is my remaining card from this weekends crafting attack:

The sketch is from Sunday Sketch & Stamp, slightly changed it, hope that's ok. And to match it we have the theme "Friendship" from Everybody Art - which finally allowed me to use that great square text stamp that was still slumbering in my folder.

Just found out (again) that I do not have enough sentiment-stamps. Need to go shopping...

Edit says: Guess what? I missed the Sunday Sketch & Stamp one coz - surprise - it is Sunday! So only one challenge for this card then. Will still set the link of coure since they povided the great sketch!


As promised - I did more cards and want to show those too. And of course I used some challenges as inspiration and will join them now. Not that many this time though, I used most of them on the other card. But I so liked the colour combination that I kept using it, trying out different sketches on them.

(You could also say that I am a bit short on springlike colours that do not involve pink, but who would want to tell...? ;))

And the outcome is:

The sketch - the most important thing when I do a card - is by Mojo Monday (who rarely have a sketch I do not like) and I tried to match it with the "Bingo - 3 in a row"-challenge of Papertake weekly. So in here you can find the middle row: Ribbon + free + punched shapes. I also used a button but the gems finally did not really match the optics of that card. But my clovers did (which is a punch I got for my birthday last year so you could also say I got it "for free" ;)).

Well, anyway, there are no more challenges involved here. Hope you like it - and that whoever gets it will like it too.

Samstag, 24. März 2012

About (spring)time

The cold winter is finally over. First of all time to go outside and get some warmth by sunlight into the system. But then there is this big weekend coming up, involving eggs and rabbits, and that screams for new home decorations (once the chaotic basement reveals its hiding place...) AND for some cards of course.

So I was busy getting the first one's together, of course using sketches and themes of challenges for inspiration. Here is No. 1:

So the sketch is from Karteneinerlei and Take time for you asks for "Butterflies" (clearly in use here). There are also three sites with the same theme "springime", which are Kreative Stempelfreunde, Stamps & Fun = Creativity and finally my chance to join the Irishteddy's challenge with "Awakening spring" (not sure if that is the right translation to be honest...). Creative Inspirations thinks that "Anything goes" - so this does also, I guess. ;)

So hope you like it as much as I do - but stay tuned, there is more to come...

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2012

Birthday times

They just keep happening at the moment so I am trying to keep up with it (which I don't - so much for my New Years resolutions). This time it is a little boy that will turn four in a few days. And these are the challenges I took for inspiration:

Charisma Cardz Challenge wants it clean and simple so I tried my best to do that (not easy for Mrs. Distressing). I chose the sketch of Simon Says Stamp for it. Since it does have a button, I will also take part in the Papertake Weekly Challenge. And since "Anything goes" with Paperminutes I will jump in there as well.

And that's the result of this evenings work:

EDIT wants to say something too (Challenge teams please read):

Blogspot has a problem with the comments so I had a hard time putting my comments down on the sites or sometimes even open the special challenge posts. Since everything kept freezing I stopped trying and linked to the main blogpage only.

There is a bug and it's being worked on I read but in the meantime use the workaround: Change your comment settings (design-settings-posts&comments) to either fullscreen or pop-up. It'll work fine then - at least it did with my blog.

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012


Had to make some things since right before Christmas that was just for fun (no challenges involved) - like these:

For the kids of a friend - nice bookmarks too

 or I took the sketch, made a card - and did not get around to post and participate - like these:

For my Godchild (she's 15)

For a friend - certain size for holding a voucher

But even though, they do belong to my little collection here...

But as I write that, the last one is just over a week old and it's got the Carisma Cardz Challenge theme (without the 3 as a number though) and so I might just as well jump in there with it.

Special Birthday

My friend turned 30 on Friday 13th... uuuh, scary. And a reason to make a special card (as she is into witches and stuff anyway).

So I took the sketch of Kartenallerlei, chose the colours of Night-Shift-Stamping and the theme of Charisma Cardz Challenge (plus a few "3"s as this is part of the date AND the age) - et voilà there it is:

Sadly my normal glue was empty so I took the kids one - and it got messy... Uhu and I are just not made for each other...